
Abiding in Knowing Series


Abiding in Knowing as A Way of Being: 4 week Virtual Series  with Omaji and The Council of Light

This Powerful Series Offering is FOUR Power Packed Sessions to Support you in Accessing your Divine Faculties of Knowing and Functioning AS that Divine aspect of you.

Omaji and The Council of Light share Upgrades, Vibrational Alignment, Attunements and Activations to Remind you of your capacities for living as your Divine Self in the unwavering Faith that you ARE Supported, Loved and Free. As you function from  Knowing, you enter the Divine Flow of Grace and Ease that is your birthright.

What if you are actually meant to live in synchronicity and flow on a daily basis?

*Go beyond the Intellect and kick the habit of Choosing from Limitation.

*Expand into a Greater Awareness of What is Possible for you and Receive Assess to Higher Trajectories

* Attune to an Unwavering Faith and Knowing that ALL IS WELL

*Re-Activate and Access your Divine Capacities for Intuition, Guidance and KNOWING

*Remember and Attune to Who you Really ARE in Relationship to All Life

This series includes a total of four 2 hour Transmissions of Light  PLUS *Special Bonus -  the 90 minute Activation: Activate Your Knowing.

Will you join us for this EPIC series to Remember the faculty of Abiding in Knowing as A Way of Being?


"You ARE an Infinite Being and it is truly TIME to Embody the YOU that KNOWS who it is. It is our absolute JOY and Honor to support you in shifting into the recognition  that YOU have the Keys to the Kingdom, and that you came here to SHINE fully AS your Divine Self. We invite you to Receive the Vibrational Support to enLIGHTen you on your path. This series is being offered at this time to take advantage of the Powerful Portals of Light that will be available to Amplify and Accelerate your YES. Thank you for BEing and Incarnating during this auspicious time. You ARE sooooo Loved. " ~ Omaji and The Council of Light


Please share this opportunity to receive support with friends and loved ones.

Each Session in the Series is approx 2 Hours.

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