Activating and Achoring MULTIDimensional SUPPORT
LIGHTWeaving a NEW Reality Series Offering with Omaji and The Council of Light
LIVE SERIES OFFERING | January 30 - February 27, 2022 (1PM Pacific Time via ZOOM)
Omaji and The Council of Light share Upgrades, Transmissions of Light, Attunements and Activations to Facilitate you and your Body Deva in RE-WEAVING your Energetic Fabric for GREATER SUPPORT and Stability, and UPGRADING and Activating ALL of your MultiDimensional Mechanisms for Support to OPTIMIZE the Access, Remembering and Utilization of ALL the Resources that are AVAILABLE to you.
Is it Time for you to MOVE MORE into the ALLNESS of What is Available to you?
The LIGHTWeaving a NEW Reality Series Offerings are Designed and Offered with the Specific Intentions to MOVE into the FUNCTIONING AS THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEING THAT YOU ARE.
The "Activating and Anchoring MultiDimensional Support" is the LAUNCH POINT As it WILL Provide the Foundational Gridwork and AMPLE WEAVING of SUPPORT for you to EXPAND into EVEN GREATER Potentials as We EMERGE into the Golden Age.
Will you CHOOSE an Efficient and HONORING Path into the NEW that IS SUPPORTIVE?
"This TIME is ALL ABOUT BIRTHING THE NEW - It IS TIME Dear ONEs. If you CHOOSE it, in a Conscious Way, the Opportunity is HERE to "HATCH" into Your Infinite Expression in a Gentle Graceful and EMPOWERED Way. The LIGHTWeaving A NEW Reality Series Offerings are Transmitters of Unprecedented Accelerated Transformation Codes, Rememberings and Processes that ARE NOW Available because you are READY. If you are ALSO WILLING, We Would be Honored to Support you in WEAVING your NEW FABRIC to Support you LIVING AS the MULTIDIMENSIONAL Gods and Goddesses that you ARE. It is OUR JOY to CELEBRATE your "coming of AGE" in this Way, and to Support FACILITATING YOUR NEXT LEVEL OF EMODIMENT of your INFINITE EXPRESSION. In LOVE, JOY and LIBERATION, ~ Omaji and The Council of Light"
This Series of Transmissions with Omaji and The Council of Light provide Remembering, Upgrades, Downloads and Light Codes, Attunements and Activations to Support you in Stepping into Your NEXT LEVEL of Expression and Potentials as An Infinite Being - With GRACE, EASE, AND JOY in a Safe and Supportive Way.
This Virtual Series includes:
* Total of 5 LIVE Sessions - 90 minutes each (minimum) + Audio and Video recording downloads (both formats).
The First Four 90 Minute Sessions Are Energetic Transmissions of Light and Infusions to Activate, Re-Weave and ANCHOR the NEW Ways of Being AS THE ONE WHO IS INFINITELY SUPPORTED - addressing various layers as old mechanisms are retired.
The Fifth 90 Minute Session is an Interactive Round Table with participants and it provides the opportunity for Inquiry, Feedback and Greater Clarity -Energetic Support is Shared throughout. (Note: each participant can interact to their own comfort level and video can be 'on' or 'off' based on preference)
Each Session includes Multidimensional Light Transmissions to support the Activation and Alignment with MULTIDimensional Ways of Being in Relationship to Support, Resources and Abundance (ONENESS TEMPLATES) + Remembering Truth as an Extension of Infinite Source.
Because each session is a multi-dimensional Transmission of Light, it is Layered and it continues to offer support well beyond the first interaction. Each time you listen, you receive more of what is there for you to receive. Each time you interact with the Transmissions, they meet you exactly where you are.
These Offerings INCLUDE a SAFE AND SUPPORTIVE Energetic Container that Provides CLEAN, CLEAR and UNDISTORTED SPACE for you to TRANSFORM. You begin receiving the moment you register and the Energetic Support is also shared throughout (not just during the sessions themselves) - The "Group Energy" that The Council of Light Co-Creates with you exists outside of time - and meets you where you are during your interactions with this series and beyond.
May you Choose in Favor of your OWN LIBERATION and HONORING of YOU during this Auspicious Time and BEYOND in an Empowered Way.
Please share this opportunity to receive support with friends and loved ones.