Grounding in the New Earth
Virtual Series with Omaji and The Council of Light
These Three 75 minute sessions support you in reorienting yourself and your energetic systems to function fully from the NEW Earth energies. Releasing ties to old ways of being and Anchoring the New Ways of Being into your grids and systems.
This is an UPGRADE in the Truest sense. Activations, Attunements, Vibrational Alignment and Reconfigurations will be shared honor you and your body in your choice to Ascend with Grace and Ease.
May All Beings REMEMBER the FREEDOM that is their Birthright.
"This is an auspicious time of Alignment and Timeline reconfiguration that can be navigated into Higher Potentials as you Choose to Align with what resonates for you and REMEMBER your Divine Nature. You ARE Infinitely supported and these Transmission are coded to Activate your Remembering so that you can Live as Your Infinite Self and in your Experience of this Knowing. Thank you for the Honor of Supporting you in this way. You are So Loved." ~ Omaji and The Council of Light
Once you register you will receive an email shortly after with a link to download all 3 recordings.