Global LIVEstream with Omaji and The Council of LIght
EXTENDED Series Offering
July 10 - July 31, 2022 | Sundays at 1:30 PM Pacific Time
ARE you Willing to DIVE DEEPER into the WELLSPRING of FREEDOM that is Available to you?
We ARE EXTENDING the Original BEing in Liberation Series Offering for an ADDITIONAL 4 Sessions.
Attending the First 5 Sessions in this Series is not a Requirement - Although ONE can Receive Additional Benefits by owning the Entire Series as it Represents a "MultiDimensional" MOSAIC that Addresses Various Aspects of REMEMBERING FREEDOM and FLOW as an Energetic Stance.
This Series is Designed to Support the retiring of limitation and separation based ways of being that perpetuate the illusions of "not free".
Is it TIME to Remember BEing in Liberation?
In this INstallment of "LIGHTWeaving a NEW Reality", Omaji and The Council of Light will share a Series of Transmissions to Support the REMEMBERING of BEing in LIBERATION as an Absolute - Allowing this to Reflect onto ALL of your Grids and Ways of Experiencing YourSelf and ANCHORING into the Grids that Function from the TRUTH of you.
"This Offering EMBODIES the Consciousness of ONENESS and the REMEMBERING of the INNATE FREEDOM that is your Birthright AS an Extension of SOURCE. Our Transmissions and work in the Higher Dimensions will reflect and inform the REWEAVING of your Energetic SYSTEMS to UPGRADE BEYOND Separation, Lack and Fear based Ways of Being and Functioning. ARE YOU READY TO LEAP INTO THE FLOW OF YOUR TRUE ESSENCE? We ARE in Deep GRATITUDE to Serve in this Way as you and your Body Devas TRANSFORM into a HIGHER OCTAVE of Expression. It is Our JOY to Facilitate these SHIFTS with Grace and EASE in a Supportive and Empowering Way." ~ Omaji and The Council of Light
This Series of Transmissions with Omaji and The Council of Light provide Remembering, Upgrades, Downloads and Light Codes, Attunements and Activations to Support you in Stepping into Greater Levels of your LIBERATION, Empowerment, Truth, and Potential as An Infinite Being.
This Virtual Series includes:
* Total of 4 Sessions - 90 minutes each (minimum) in the form of Audio and Video recording downloads (both formats).
The First Three 90 Minute Sessions will Be Energetic Transmissions of Light and Infusions to Support the Remembering and Activation of the "BEing" in the TRUE LIBERATION of you - addressing various layers as old mechanisms and grids are retired.
The Fourth 90 Minute Session will be Interactive and in Round Table Format (allowing you to participate at you own comfort level - interaction is not required). This Session will provide the opportunity for Interactive Support as Well as an opportunity for Greater Clarity and Energetic Support with be Shared throughout.
Each Session will include Multidimensional Light Transmissions to support the Activation and Alignment with 5th Dimensional and Beyond Ways of Being in LIBERATION and FLOW + Remembering Truth as an Extension of Infinite Source.
Because each session is a Multi-Dimensional Transmission of Light, it is Layered and it continues to offer support well beyond the first interaction. Each time you listen, you receive more of what is there for you to receive. Each time you interact with the Transmissions, they meet you exactly where you are.
You begin receiving the moment you register and Initiate the Energetic Exchange - This is Equivalent to you "Taking your Seat at the Table" with us in the Higher Realms - From this Inception Point, you BEGIN TO BENEFIT from the Energetic Container and the Energetic Support that This SERIES is Woven WITH - AND the 'work' BEGINS with Us in the Higher Realms with Your Higher Self and Body Devas Higher Self (and the Guides) - This MultiDimensional Interaction and Container Continues Throughout the Series beyond the perceived limitations of time/space (So you ARE Receiving MultiDimensionally in addition to the physical realm sessions themselves).
Will you Welcome the ELEVATION into GREATER FREEDOM and FLOW?
May you Choose in Favor of your LIBERATION during this Auspicious Time and BEYOND in an Empowered Way.
Register early for special rates.
If a 2 installment option would benefit you, please contact us directly to inquire setting this up (this offer expires July 1st).
Once you initiate the Exchange of Energy through your contribution, you Officially take your seat at the Table and Begin receiving in the Higher Realms. We will also respond within 24 hours with the details to join the LIVE Broadcasts and the link to access the Downloads.
All Contributions are nonrefundable due the nature of this MultiDimensional Energetic Exchange.
We also Offered a FREE introduction to this Series - You can now Access this Transmission: "Amplifying FREEDOM" on our YouTube Channel and here:
May you Continue to CHOOSE in FAVOR of what Empowers and Honors your LIGHT.