In This EXPERIENTIAL MasterClass Series, Omaji and The Council of Light will share a Series of Transmissions, Teachings and Energetic Tools and Exercises that Support the AMPLIFICATION and CONNECTION with Divine Communication. * Total of 6 LIVE Sessions.
THREE PART SERIES to Support The Evolutionary Process of the GALACTIC EMBRACE for You and Your Body Deva. These Energetic Transmissions of Light Are Designed to Support The Actualization of NEW EARTH - NEW DAWN - NEW ERA in An EMPOWERED and ALIGNED Way.
4 Week MasterClass Series Offering with Omaji and The Council of Light to Support the REMEMBERING of CREATING AS ONE WITH SOURCE. Retiring "Control Based" Manifesting Ways of Being.
This Series is Designed to Support the Releasing of BLOCKS and Retiring separation-based ways of being that perpetuate old patterns of 'struggle' in Relationships - ALIGNING You for the MORE HARMONIOUS and HONORING - BELOVED RELATIONSHIP.
Will you FUNCTION AS THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL BEING THAT YOU ARE? This LIVE Offering is the LAUNCH POINT that Provides the Foundational Gridwork and AMPLE WEAVING of SUPPORT for you to EXPAND into EVEN GREATER Potentials as We EMERGE into the Golden Age.
Omaji and The Council of Light share Upgrades, Transmissions of Light and Activations to Support you in Welcoming/Implementing the Ways of Being that Function from ONENESS and "Having" - Restoring the Divine Blueprint of you as an Infinite Being.
CALIBRATE and Align to the Truth of you in ONENESS -Omaji and The Council of Light will share Transmissions of Light, Attunements and Activations to Support you in the Remembering of Unity Consciousness Ways of Being. Three 90 minute Session Transmissions
Series offering with Omaji and The Council of Light to Support a Graceful Transition into the NEW during this time of Great Change. Receive Vibrational Support, Alignment, Activations and Attunements to Anchor Knowing, Trust and Flow.
Transmissions from the 5 Day Virtual Immersion with Omaji and The Council of Light to Empower, Elevate and Activate Dormant Capacities for your Highest Potentials and the Actualization of your Divine Purpose - Aligning with your Optimal Trajectory.
Series with Omaji and The Council of Light * Activations intended to Support you in the Realization of Self Love as A Way of Being and as a 'default' set point through which you Perceive and Experience yourself and your Life.
Series offering with Omaji and The Council of Light to support you in Activating and Embodying The Essence and Qualities of The Divine Self. Live as the Multidimensional BEing that you Truly Be.
5 Session Series with Omaji and The Council of Light.*Remember all of the Dimensions of your Soul's Passion and Activate it fully in this Realm so that you can begin experiencing your JOY and Reason for Being in a Harmonious way.
Series offering- UPGRADE and Update your Grids to the NEW 5D systems. Omaji and The Council of Light support you in reorienting your energetic systems to function fully from the Heart and NEW Earth.
5 Session Series to address various aspects of what seems to hold us back - As we INVITE GRACE and EASE in all areas - Including aspects of our experience that relate to US AS an incarnate being in this REALM -Welcome a MORE HARMONIOUS Experience.
This Powerful Series Offering is FOUR Power Packed Sessions to Support you in Accessing your Divine Faculties of Knowing and Functioning AS that Divine aspect of you. What if you are could live in synchronicity and flow on a daily basis?
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